Результаты поиска 'bulk'

    Программы (смотреть все 4 шт.)
    This is the only mailer you need! It organises your recipient lists and sends personalized messages, supports multiple SMTP accounts, offers subscribe/unsubscribe and search facilities, import/export feature and group operations.
    Professional mass mailer, bulk mailer for fast sending personalized emails and mailing list management, email-based subscription on web site. Create and manage thematic mailing lists, import recipients from files, generate personalized messages.
    This is a very fast mass mailer with a lot of useful features. This bulk email program is used by many internet professionals and on-line store owners, to notify their customers about various events and promote their new products.
    FotoTagger is a free software tool for annotating JPEG images quickly and easily. Place on an image movable annotation notes that point to individual elements visualized on the image. Display your tags in a form of balloons.Identify people and...
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