1 Click & Go looks as a Windows toolbar designed for easy access, open and execute files and folders that you often use. Program similar well-known Microsoft Office Panel, but not lose configuration in case of a system crash. It supports the Drag&Dro
303.00 Kb | shareware | Windows 9x/2000/2003/XP/NT | скачано: 120
Protect PC, restrict access to Windows applications, password-protect boot, apply access restrictions to PC, deny access to Control Panel, disable boot keys, context menus, DOS, Registry editing, Internet, network access. Hide desktop icons, disk dri
1.88 Mb | shareware | Windows 9x/2000/2003/XP/NT | скачано: 114
1st Security Center is a security utility that allows you to restrict access to Windows important resources. This utility helps you to keep your computer in order. It enables you to impose a variety of access restrictions to protect your privacy.
1.26 Mb | shareware | Windows 9x/2000/2003/XP/NT | скачано: 125
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zTimer 1.1
zTimer помогает следить за длительностью выполнения текущей задачи и мотивирует сделать ее быстрее. Очень маленькая (59 KB) программа, не требующая инсталляции, с открытым исходным кодом. Окно...

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