Результаты поиска 'major'

    Программы (смотреть все 5 шт.)
    • Две вертушки, способные воспроизводить любой звук в цифровом формате, для удобной диск-жокейской деятельности со всевозможными диджейскими фишками.• Имитация вращения винила, передающая скорость и направление воспроизведения.• Эмулятор винилового...
    Whether you have a small business or large enterprise. There is always a problem of communicating quickly and reliably with your customer base and your subscribers. When you need to let them know you have a new product or a special promotion, it is...
    Audio Editor Pro is a visual multifunctional audio files editor which allow you to perform various operations with audio data such as displaying a waveform image of an audio file, filtering, applying various audio effects, format conversion and...
    Monopoly 3 features cleverly animated tokens; bright 3-D graphics; and a choice of 10 major city game boards including the classic Monopoly game board.
    Easy tool for split, join and convert video files, make snapshots, add watermark.VideoCharge support all major video formats, it can easy convert from one video/audio/image format to another, split and join not only the whole video files but its...
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