Результаты поиска 'export'

    Программы (смотреть все 9 шт.)
    Утилита, которая отображает в виде списка информацию о всех экспортированных функциях и виртуальных адресах памяти для выбранного DLL. Загружать список экспортированных функций можно как из стандартных системных DLL, так и из указанных пользователем...
    1st Security Agent is an excellent password-protected security utility to secure Windows-based computers. It works under any Windows platform and offers an administrative support for controlling which users are allowed to access your computer and...
    1st Security Agent Pro is an excellent password-protected security utility to secure Windows-based computers and restrict access to them. It works under any Windows platform and offers an administrative support for controlling which users are...
    This is the only mailer you need! It organises your recipient lists and sends personalized messages, supports multiple SMTP accounts, offers subscribe/unsubscribe and search facilities, import/export feature and group operations.
    Create and manage your Invoices, Quotes, Credit & Debit Notes, Delivery Orders, Letters & Faxes. Manage your Inventory & Accounts Receivables. Instant access to Sales, Receipts, Debtors, Tax & Inventory Reports. Export reports to PDF, Excel &...
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