Программы пользователя 170321

BBSMonitor is a messenger for page changing, it can immediately notify you when the page has been changed. With a user-friendly interface and simplified operations, add URLs which want montior into the list.
2.01 Mb | бесплатно | Windows 9x/2000/2003/XP/NT | скачано: 95
Watch an artist''s hand draw the "King of All Media" Howard Stern. This screen saver can also draw Cars, Fine Art, People, Animals, Holiday Art and more. New drawings available each month. You can even create your own drawings for the hand to draw.
130.00 Kb | бесплатно | Windows 9x/2000/2003/XP/NT | скачано: 101
This software enables the user to create fully customized Photo Calendars. All elements of the calendars can be customized including images, text, dates and languages. Once created, print locally on your home/office printer.
70.20 Mb | shareware | Windows 9x/2000/2003/XP/NT/7 | скачано: 187
ReadPlease is an all purpose text-to-speech program that can read anything on your screen (as long as it can be copied onto the clipboard). ReadPlease Plus is also compatible with the AT&T Natural Voices speech engine.
10.29 Mb | shareware | Windows 9x/2000/2003/XP/NT | скачано: 111
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Остров Нанда RU
Мини игра жанра головоломки. На тропическом острове посреди океана жила-была панда по имени Нанда. Все у нее было хорошо, но внезапно засуха пришла в благоухающий край. Цветы увяли, листья на...

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